Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Recap of 10 in 2010

2011 is RIGHT around the corner. How scary is that? It seems like the years go faster and faster! As a segue way to the year 2011, I thought I'd post the top ten things/adventures/memories that happened to us in 2010.

10. Ice Storm we got last January-- weather is always unpredictable in Oklahoma. We had the added enjoyment of a broken heater during this ice storm. Now, it wasn't necessarily a blast, but Chase and I spent a few days snuggled up in front of our fire place (literally we moved the couch right in front of it), to keep warm. Showers were miserable, but it's all part of the joys in our first year of marriage.

9. Exterran-- Chase works for Exterran, and they are one of the better things that has happened to us. He LOVES his job, which makes me so happy. Exterran has drug Chase away for me for training and other random jobs, but it has made our year great so far.

8. Dave Ramsey-- (with the help of Exterran) We are working towards paying off debt. So far, we have paid off our credit card and are working on my car now, and after that it's student loans. It's a slow but steady process. The hoidays were a little rough this year, and we weren't as good as we could have been, but we also didn't buy presents on credit, which was great!

7. Hailstorm from May-- this ranks as a top 10 for the memory of it. I am not sure I'd want to relive that nightmare. We had to deal with the insurance companies, landlords, weather debris. The storm was real powerful and seeing the aftermath was unbelievable. We were safe and I'm glad we weren't at our house when it happened. Thanks to the hailstorm, we have a car payment since my car got demolished by tennis-ball sized hail. Just another adventure for us...

6. I discovered the Pioneer Woman in 2010. I actually got her cookbook for Christmas '09, but with a week left in the year, I think I really discovered her in 2010. I am a huge fan of all things PW; her food, her photography, her blog, her book. She has been a big part of 2010. I have cooked some pretty good meals/cookies thanks to her. I have also shared her with everyone I come into contact with (almost).

5. Our 1 year anniversary-- It was great for the obvious reasons, we had been married a year. We are still on a honeymoon I feel, and I love it. Chase is a wonderful husband and an even greater best friend. He fills all my voids! He got me a DSLR camera for our anniversary that I love. I plan on devoting more time to it in 2011. I gotta make my man proud!

4. Thanksgiving Break-- yes, we were in the working world and still got a Thanksgiving break. We took the week off and went to Illinois to spend it with my family. It was nice going home and getting to stay there the full amount of time. We got some cold weather, and saw lots of loved ones. It's sad not being able to be with both of our families on holidays, but we are making it work the best we know how to with 800+ miles between my parents and his.

3. Montana-- I introduced Chase to Montana this year, and he loved it. I think he's converted! It's such a beautiful and magical place. I have spent my childhood going to Montana for vacations and I wouldn't trade them for the world. I have made some great friends there and I have such an admiration for the state. I got to share something special from my childhood with Chase, and I loved that.

2. Projects (see #1)

1. OUR NEW HOUSE-- we love being home owners. We bought a house in Yukon, Oklahoma and we love it. Since we have boughten the house, we have done projects on it (reference to #2). We built a pergola (with a lot of help from my dad) on to the back of the house, painted the inside (thanks mom), built a tool bench in the garage (thanks Chase), and poured concrete (thanks Jeff and Austin). Chase and I love to do projects. Tools was the only thing on Chase's Christmas list. I swear to you. He was like a little kid in a candy shop when he opened the Dewalt boxes. I am sure there will be more projects to come in 2011. There's a master bedroom project in the works now. I just can't sit still.

With all this said, I know there's no pictures. I am sorry (I can't get my work computer to work with blogger). I can't wait to see what God has in store for us in 2011. We have some projects planned, some trips planned, some funny moments that are unplanned, but sure to happen. I think I am ready to ring in the new year.

Monday, December 27, 2010

I have no idea why it has been so hard for me to write lately. I am sure that it's not a lack of things to say, just not really sure what to say. Probably the lack of pictures... it's the time it takes to edit them and put them on the blog, while working an 8-5 job. It's the pits, haha.

The holidays came and went so fast. I hate that the holidays fly by. Chase and I didn't get to do half of the stuff we wanted to do. It was probably really me that wanted to do those things... I don't think I watched one full Christmas movie. I didn't get to sit down and watch one. I watched Love Actually while we put up our tree and watched Elf while wrapping presents. Neither got my full attention. I didn't watch any of The Christmas Story on Christmas Day, which is a first. I also didn't get to see White Christmas, which is one of my all time favorite Christmas movies. I guess I will just be watching Christmas movies in February, so sue me.

We spent Christmas day with his family. It was a great day. I love his family, but desperately missed my own! I hope everyone else had a wonderful holiday season, whether it ends now or in February like it will end for me.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Holiday Savings

It is now November 4th and the holidays seem to be quickly approaching! Holidays seem to translate to lots of cash outflow for the next couple of months. Now, don't get me wrong! I LOVE the holidays!! I just cringe at the thought of all the outflow of cash. I mean there's decorations you want to buy, cards to buy, presents, candy, baking supplies, wrapping supplies. I don't regret buying any of these things. I just know that it means a flux of cash is going out, so I thought I'd post some adds and coupons that I have found that may be beneficial to you.

My favorite one right now is http://www.canvaspeople.com/ Their deal right now is a free 8x10 canvas print. I believe you do have to pay shipping and handling, but that's a heck of a deal! My dilemma now is to decide which print I want in a canvas wrap. Oh the dilemmas I get myself into...

If I see any other good deals, I will be sure to let you know. I'm hoping if you see any, you'll leave me a comment and tell me what and where!!

Another idea that I'm toying with... a gold party. You turn in your old tarnished, broken, tangled gold/silver jewelry for some cash (on the spot). I am thinking I could use some extra holiday dough and some extra room in my closet/drawers. What do you think?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Any idea...

On how I can get paid to read blogs?! You may laugh, but I'm serious. I LOVE reading blogs. Anyone's and everyone's. Chase wonders how I stumble onto all of these blogs of people I don't know, and then come up with ideas that I want to try. Those ideas range from recipes to crafts to DIY (do-it-yourself) projects. I end up reading so many things and getting so many ideas that my brain becomes overwhelmed and consumed. I think someone should create a job where you read blogs and try different projects... Really, if anyone knows where this dream can become a reality... you know where to find me.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I apologize... this blog DEFINITELY needs some pictures. I am just awful. My goal is to post (from home-where all the pictures are) at least once this week. I need to update our house pictures and the projects that have been going on around there. Hopefully you all will forgive me-- I'm pretty sure no one reads this anyways... haha

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I did run last night. It was a lot tougher than I imagined... Let's just hope it gets easier each night. Despite the title of this post, that is not what I was going to confess.

Last night while watching a movie, Chase looks over at me and asks what I'm eating. I replied (guiltlessly), "Cereal!" Props for me, right?! Does it still count if my cereal was in the cookie dough mix? Sunday, I made Monster cookies from the Pioneer Woman's website. They were amazing. They have oatmeal (cereal), chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, m & m's, extra salt, and rice krispies (cereal). I made the cookies, but got sick of baking (I'd already made granola) and decided to refrigerate the dough. Last night, I decided to eat it, and that it consisted mainly of cereal... It's not like I said I was eating fruit, right! I didn't really fib to my husband, right?

Monday, October 4, 2010

It begins today

It's true. Marathon training begins today! The Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon is in April. Yes, I realize we are beginning early, BUT we're trying to complete a beginner's training schedule and then move on to an intermediate one before April! We are starting traying for a walk/run marathon. We have our next 16 weeks of workouts printed off and (will be) hanging on our fridge when we get home. It's going to be that constant reminder that Chase and I both need.

We did the OKC Memorial Marathon (1/2 marathon) 2 years ago, and LOVED it. It was such a neat experience. Keep in mind, I could hardly walk the next few days. I loved it. It's such an amazing experience to run with thousands of people you don't know, all for the same reasons, and many different reasons. It was very moving.

Tonight's workout consists of a 3:2 ration. We run for 3 minutes, walk for 2 (yes it's the beginner style) and do this for 45 minutes. Keep me accountable. The weather is finally cooperating and is pretty cool. I'm looking forward to running, and maybe not sweating. Maybe...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Marriage is...

Chase yelling, at our chocolate lab mix, "Max, if you don't quit licking my ear, I am going to turn you into tootsie rolls." Now, I'm not sure how this will happen, and being a fan of Max I am hoping it doesn' t happen, but it was funny to hear from another room. I will admit, I cracked up, but just a bit.

I just love...

the Pioneer Woman. First off, who doesn't? If you don't know who she is, go to the store and buy her cookbook. You will not regret it. Or you can visit her website at http://www.thepioneerwoman.com/. She is thoroughly entertaining. She has amazing recipies. She has photography. She's got the whole package. I just printed off her Blackberries with SweetCream recipe. She may make my "grocery envelope" expand. I am going to have to cut back in other places so I can keep buying ingredients to make her recipes.

On a side note, it is much cooler here and I am loving that. This weekend is the Czech festival in Yukon. Since Chase and I are residents in Yukon, we will have to check it out, and the kolachi's (not really sure how you spell that). We'll update you later on how good they are!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Just so everyone knows, there is a pumpkin shortage. I was basically bummed when I heard this and scoured the shelves in every grocery store I could find for the orange cans of bliss. Well, I couldn't find them. I was going to resort to buying pie pumpkins and baking them and mashing their insides for some pumpkin flavor (thanks Mom for the idea).

Well, I found some pumpkin at Aldi, of all places, and it was only 89 cents a can. Monday was definitely my day. Chase accompanied me on the excursion. We bought 24 cans at Aldi (drove 20 minutes one way to get there). Well, we swung by the Homeland grocery store by our house (not kidding, right down the block) on the way home to get some necessities for our Pumpkin Pasta Sauce we were going to have for dinner.

I just thought I should look and see if Homeland has pumpkin... sure enough, they do! Chase couldn't resist laughing at me and asking "Did you not check this store?" "Well, honey, I checked the other Homeland 2 blocks away and they didn't have any. I just didn't think this one would."

Lesson learned, I should probably check the grocery store right by my house. Rest easy though. I have pumpkin, picked some up from Homeland that night (just in case) and went to the grocery store last night and picked up a few more (shh. Don't tell Chase). I think I am set for the pumpkin shortage. I figure if I stock up and silly people who aren't prepared need it, I can make a profit off of my 89 cent orange wonders!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Why won't they budge...

Those extra pounds around my middle, or anywhere for that fact. They simply do NOT budge. I mean, I made it out of college without gaining the "freshman 15." I am sure I gained a little bit more once I moved to OC instead of my ritual workouts with Rissa at the Y and teaching dance/tumbling for 4 nights a week. I became a little more sluggish at OC, but I started running with Corlie and things were looking up.... Well, now I am married and it seems that my pounds have made a home on me, and invited a few of their friends. Why? Why are they so hospitable?

Well, this week I am doing something about it. Not just this week, but hopefully it'll be a good change! I got some new running shoes, and they are toners like the MBT shoes and Reebok Easy tones. You can't see the toners, so maybe it'll be my little kept secret (that I just shared with you). I wore them to the fair last night, and while walking around for 4 hours and I totally left the fair feeling the extra workout I had thanks to these shoes.

So, tonight it starts! I am planning on running the loop around our house (which is close to a mile) and then walking it, or doing a workout DVD and walking the loop with Chase and the dogs. Please hold me accountable. I've reached my brink, and it's time to change!

Monday, September 13, 2010

One Year

Yesterday, Chase and I celebrated our first year of marriage!! It's like finishing a marathon, just kidding! It has been a great year. Eventful, but great! He was the sweetest husband yesterday! I felt like I kept finding anniversary cards. Everywhere. In the middle of church, I opened my bible up, to find another card. It was just too precious!! I just love him so much.

Today starts the Monday blah's.... My parents went back home, Chase randomly had to leave for Texas (with no good-bye), and I lost the crown to my tooth. Happy day. Welcome to the start of year 2 in married life.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Marriage is....

hopping in an empty bathtub, fully clothed to eat my bowl of ice cream with my husband.

I was drying my hair (after letting him dye it) and he got us two bowls of ice cream. Well, he must've decided he wanted to stay in the bathroom with me and the bathtub seemed like a great spot to get some r & r while enjoying his Snickers ice cream. I finished drying my hair and joined in... I love married life.

** I did take a picture of my husban'd great idea, but have yet to post it. Someday.**

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I can hardly contain my excitement!! Hardly!! Fall is so close I can almost smell the fresh, crisp air. In my opinion, fall is one of the best times of the year. I have thought this since I was a little kid. There is nothing like a fall in the Midwest, Illinois to be exact. It is gorgeous there! The vibrant colors of reds and oranges and yellows. There's just something so welcoming about the cool, crisp air. I love being bundled up in sweatshirts and blankets just sitting around, or sitting around a fire roasting marshmellows. I know, you can roast marshmallows at any other time during the year, but this is just THE time for it. Another favorite thing is the apple orchards in fall. They have THE BEST apples. Honey crisp. Yum! Along with apples comes apple cider, apple cider doughnuts, sweet potato butter... Mmm. The list goes on and on. Fall just tastes good!

We have had a little bit of a cool front down here in Oklahoma, and I'm welcoming the thought of all things fall. I don't mind raking leaves. I need to pick out a great big pumpkin for Chase and I to carve. Football starts soon. It means busting out my boots, jeans, and sweaters. A good excuse to cuddle up next to my husband (it's hard to pretend you're cold in the blazing heat).

I just L-O-V-E fall. What's your favorite season, and why?

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Well, we were awoken (at 3:30 a.m.) to the world's WORST odor. I. KID. YOU. NOT. Tater got sprayed by a skunk, and it stunk up the inside of our house without Tater even coming in.... Ahhh! How many more days until we move into the lovely, clean smelling new house?

Our new goal is to finish packing the house, rid the house of the skunk odor, quit gagging from the odor, and spray lots of vinegar so we don't transfer this stench to the LOVELY new house!!!
In less than 24 hours we have:

- made 3 trips to Wal-Mart
- made 1 trip to Pet Smart
- bathed Max 2x
- bathed Tater 3x and sprayed him down with Nature's Miracle Skunk Smell Take Away stuff (it smells like alcohol and is quite welcoming compared to what he smells like now)
- eaten out 2x since our house stinks so bad
- sweated off a lot of weight
- opened all of the windows that we could in the 107+ degree heat (and add the heat index on top of that)
- bleached the bath tub and then cleaned it with comet
- poured baking soda on our carpet, and vaccumed, repeated with baking soda and iodized salt, and vaccumed
- lit a lot of matches
- inhaled a lot of fumes
- not slept very much
- sprayed my purse down with vinegar and water because I was in a store and noticed that I smelt like a skunk
- just about vomited on numerous occasions

Tater just finished his 3rd bath... Time for bed?!?!

P.S. I think my prayer at 6:30 (yes I went back to bed at 6:30 am) this morning consisted of "Dear God, why, why did you make skunks? They stink and are awful. They can't be very high up on the food chain. They stink. I just don't know why. Please make my house smell better." Pathetic, I know.

P.P.S. The bright side of all of this... CHASE WAS HOME FOR THIS DISASTER! I was/AM SO relieved about that. I'd be sleeping in my car and bawling more than likely.

Hope your weekend goes well and please don't judge me if you come over in the next 5 days and my house stinks, or if I have a lingering scent in public... it's just skunk!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

One Week From Today

One week from today and we will be the PROUD new owners of 1001 Harvest Dr. (in Yukon). I just cannot wait. I have a bundle of emotions that are going with that new ownership. I'm excited because Chase and I are buying our first house, and we've worked hard to get everything in order for it. I'm relieved that I no longer have to live in the awful house we are abiding in now. Believe me, just about everything that could go wrong in one house has gone wrong. It's been an interesting year.

With this new house means a trip from my parentals, which is always welcomed and loved. They will come down labor day weekend to help with some projects. I know, it's a new house and I still manage to have projects for it. It will be ever changing, I am sure. I will make sure to take lots of before and after pictures! Do not worry.

I laid in bed last night thinking how I'm going to arrange the furniture and what-not. I. Am. A. Typical. Girl.

I better finish packing......

P.S. And on a totally separate note... anyone that listens to country music, do you know a song about "that's my kind of beautiful". I don't know the title or artist, obviously, but Chase wanted me to look it up and neither of us could find it.... Just thought I'd ask!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Moving Tips

Okay, I figured since I'll be new at this whole moving process, I needed some tips from wiser people that have done this before. So, any tips for moving into a house? Any little things that worked out well for you? Anything you would recommend not to do? I'm trying to be as organized as possible come August 20th. I mean I already took toilet paper to the house and hid it in a cupboard so we would know where at least one roll was. I thought that was pretty good!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Few of my favorite things...

Mainly due to the fact that I'm avoiding doing anything productive today, here is my list of a few of my favorite things:

10. The smell and warmth of clean laundry right out of the dryer. I wish I experienced it more (and that it stayed warmer longer)

9. Flea markets. I have become obsessed with the thoughts lately. I just love a good project and I seem to find lots of ideas at flea markets, and who doesn't love the price.

8. The idea of having our own house! This thought is possessing my thoughts lately. I'm very distracted, but my house is decorated great in my day dreams.

7. Diet coke. I just can't get enough. How many cans a day are too many?

6. The idea of running and working out. I love running and working out (well love as much as one can), but I find by the end of the day that I have not had any time to do it. Hence, tomorrow morning, I am going to try to get up and work out. We will see if this really does happen. (Don't get your hopes up).

5. My family! They are great. Wonderful. Amazing! I love them all.

4. Fall! I am ready for everything fall: the smell of candles, pumpkins, the brisk cool breeze, cute warm clothes, BOOTS!

3. Energy. I wish I had more of it. Period.

2. Blankets. I think I'm obsessed. One can never have too many soft, cuddly, warm, fluffy blankets. Another reason I'm ready for fall. Pile on the blankets.

1. 5 p.m. It means the work day is done and I can begin my few hours of a real day. I look forward to the 5 o'clock drive home... It's relaxing in a strange way. I realize that once I get home I only have about 5 hours of a "real day" ahead of me. And that's if I stay up late! Oh well... How many more years until retirement? : )

*Non of these are in a particular order. It's just all random. I'm just random.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Welcome Home

Happy Birthday to me!
Surprise! Below are some pictures of our "new" (but not ours until August 19th) house
Entry way and view into the dining room
Spacious laundry room
Our bathroom!
Looking down the hallway toward the bedrooms
Our living room and the windows to the back of the house
The kitchen and eating area
Our lovely dining room!
And the happy homeowners!
Chase and I close on our house August 19th, providing everything goes good from now until then! Here are some pictures of the humble abode (let's hope I didn't just jynx our home inspection that is tomorrow!)

* I don't know how to blog yet, because this short blip was supposed to be at the top! Oh well!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

You know you live in Oklahoma when...

(I plan on making this one "theme" that commonly occurs on here!)

You know you live in Oklahoma when... they say a cold front is coming and that cold front is still 95 degrees. Here I was all excited to not sweat anytime I stepped out my front door. Better luck next time, i guess.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

And there was a dip in pride levels today

Can I just paint this picture for you? It's Oklahoma in June, which means it is hot and humid. If you are surprised by this little fact, well... I just don't know how that can come as a shocker to anyone. Below is the story of how I faced humility in the hot and humid Oklahoma weather. I really should take a look at my priorities after this incident. Bear with me, since this story is a little long winded, and has no pictures (for a very good reason). 

I am taking my usual trip to Sam's Club for work. The list is pretty much the same every time I go in there. Lots (and by lots I mean 5 flats) of Diet Dr. Pepper, a little less diet coke, and maybe one or two other regular sodas, some crackers, plates, paper towels, etc... That's really the extent. The thing that kills me is trying to push a cart and maneuver a cart around Sam's Club with that much soda on it. Not to mention that strange stares (and comments) I get all the while. I swear people think I'm ADDICTED to diet pop. I just want to tell them no because it does not have sonic ice in it. That's another addiction to face on another day. 

I checked out and decided that an ice cream cone sounds amazing! I'm standing in line to purchase my much anticipated treat to satisfy my sore throat (goes with all of our housing issues) and sweet tooth. Well, I'm contemplating this ice cream cone thing. After all, how smart is it to get an ice cream CONE when I still have to LOAD all of those cans of soda into my car. What will I do with the ice cream cone? The very nice cashier lady tells me that they do not have ice cream cones but I can get an ice cream cup. SPLENDID. This solves all the problems I'm hashing out in my head. Not. The nice cashier gave me the most for my $0.97 and filled the cup about 3-4 inches past the brim. My cup overfloweth with ice cream  (and yes, I used my debit card for this purchase, which is a later problem) Now I am sorta back to square one. 

I head out the doors and into the blazing sun with my cart of diet sodas, my ice cream-- which is now melting rapidly, my purse, and my Sonic that I went into Sam's with (yes, I came out double-fisting). It's a long trek to my car. The whole way there I'm wondering how I'm going to load my groceries with one hand when I can't lift the pop at all with just one hand. I'm thinking I can set the ice cream down on the pavement, well it's windy (hello, it's Oklahoma!), and I would risk my ice cream blowing over. Well, I worked too hard to get this little treat and that cannot happen. I seriously was stressing out about this.  By the time I get to my car, I must have this frazzled look on my face. 

A wonderful cart-collector boy strolls up like he is going to save my day, or what's left of my ice cream. He tells me not to worry about my groceries and to just start my car and he'll load everything, so I can take care of the ice cream soup I'm about to have. Apparently, I looked like a damsel in distress with ice cream melting all over me. I am a little wary about getting into my car with this much of a problem. Chase will think I trashed my car (and I'm trying to prove that I can keep a clean car)

So a brainiac idea comes to me... I'll kneel down and scoop some of the ice cream out so it's not so full, and then it will quit dripping. Well, that's great except I'm about 20 degrees and 5 minutes too late for that. It's already melted a lot and so I am kneeling next to my car (in my skirt) and shoveling ice cream into my mouth since that's the best solution I have come up with at this point. I never once thought that I'd be kneeling in public, in a skirt, just to get the ice cream down my throat, QUICKLY. I paused for the briefest of moments when the nice fellow came around the side of the car to put the toilet paper in my back seat. He made some comment about how he should tell my husband what I am doing. As embarrassed as I am, I stand up and try to recoup this whole melting situation. Just in time to drop a load of ice cream down my skirt. Lovely. I mean where are your friends when you need them. When I really want to laugh about some absurd situation, where are your friends. Then again, had my friends been there, I may not have been in that predicament. 

The nice fella' loaded all my groceries, proceeded to help the crazy ice cream lady get herself off the parking lot and quit shoveling ice cream in to make some comment about helping people load groceries as a summer job to get tips for school. Well, that's the icing on my cake. I just paid for a $0.97 ice cream cone with my debit card. I have no cash, so I ignore the comment and go on about the ice cream melting all over me. Let me just say had I had cash, he probably would've gotten a hefty tip. I mean how many people would help a distressed looking lady just so she can squat in the parking lot and eat her ice cream. I am pretty sure this guy was thinking this white girl has some serious problems, not to mention that she's holding her skirt down from the wind in between her knees while ice cream is dripping down her hands, up her arms, and on her shoes. Let's be honest, he may not have even wanted my money because more than likely it'd be covered in ice cream and sticky. 

Yes, there was a slight dip in my pride levels today. I may never get ice cream again at Sam's, or do it in the winter time. I just hope I never run into that fellow again, for good reasons! 

Friday, June 11, 2010

Man of my dreams

Can I just tell you how much I love this guy?

I am a little overwhelmed with the thought that we have been married for 9 months (tomorrow). It just seems like it has flown by (overall). Any of you that know us, know that it has not been a boring 9 months, and we still have 3 to go. I am somewhat nervous! Let's recap. 

September 12th - we got married and the power went out at our reception. Our honeymoon was in Hawaii. We loved it, but our flight was about 8-10 hours delayed, and we found this out once we got to the airport. Fun times were had by all. 

Things mellowed out for a while until I rear ended a truck (with a huge trailer hitch). This was my first accident too. Then  Christmas time came and we were hit with a huge snowstorm. 

And down below we have the great ice storm of 2010, which was accompanied by our furnace breaking. WE HAVE GREAT LUCK.  I like to look at it more like little obstacles from God. We definitely have had our laughs over these past 9 months. We've endured hail storms, orbital blow out fractures, just about anything you could imagine to go wrong with a house HAS. 

Let me just tell you...... I LOVE BEING MARRIED and I LOVE CHASE! I just completely adore him! He is so sweet and sincere. He is never one to let me down or keep me from laughing. He definitely knows how to put a smile on my face. How can you not love that? 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Yup, Neko and Max LOVE each other
I just love this girl. She's amazing! 
Yup, gang's all here- after a long weekend! 
If anyone knows Tater, this is SO solemn of him
And here's the real Tater. 

Chase was so brave, and he didn't cry, that he deserved a whole post dedicated to him and his injury. Here are a couple more pictures of our trip back home, unfortunately, none of them were taken before the great hit of 2010. Excuse our looks in any of these pictures, as you can imagine, we endured a lot! 

There's No Place Like Home

And if he never wants to go back to Illinois, can you blame him? 

This is what my wonderful, sweet, amazing husband endured in Illinois. I am proud to say that he did stand up to the phrase, "There's NO crying in baseball." Chase took one for the team, and let me tell you-- it was a nasty one. This is a couple days later and it doesn't look SO bad. This is an orbital blowout fracture, which was endured by the baseball that Chase's father-in-law hit right back to him, with a slight hop and some nasty top-spin. 

I am happy to report that Chase is healing quite well. He is very colorful, I might add. He endured  a 14-hour car ride with me driving him back to Oklahoma. Thankfully, it was not my first rodeo, and I'd made the LONG drive many times before. We cut our trip short so we could get him back to the eye doctor and ENT specialist to make sure he really was going to be okay. God was definitely watching over Chase when he got hit. He doesn't have to have surgery and his eye sight is fine. He will be very colorful for a while, but it'll heal on it's own. I might add that I get a lot of strange looks from people in public. I am waiting for the Department of Human Services to show up on my door step any day now. 

We are okay with joking about this subject a little bit more now that we know he is okay. I should probably add that my dad does NOT hate this wonderful husband of mine, and he feels absolutely awful! 

There's no place like home, right.... 

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Storm Stories

This is the size of hail we received... after it had melted an hour or two later....
Not even to begin the coverage of what our house looked like when we got home. 
Looking in my car from the sun roof....
And the back of my car. 

And my storm stories just keep getting better, according to mom! Oklahoma got another storm system through today. Rotation, but no tornado. You would think with the damages at our house, we had endured a tornado. 

We came home to the back windshield and sunroof completely knocked out with the hail. My front windshield was all cracked and spider-webbed. After we got over the shock of what my car looked like, we realized that we had more fish to fry. Our living room and kitchen windows were knocked out by hail. We had a huge mess on our hands to clean up. 

It's a work in progress now. Hello Monday!!! 

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

You're never too little to have fun...

Just makes me think of the movie "Hatari." If you haven't seen it, there's this hilarious scene with ostriches. They were fun to watch. 
As strange as this sounds, and as crazy as you think I am... There is nothing more graceful than a giraffe. I don't know how, or why, but they are so elegant in their moves. 
Who knew peacocks were this cool? I did know that the feathers made great decorations and a great theme for our wedding! 

Chase and I graced the Oklahoma City Zoo as a surprise date before he left for Davis. Unfortunately, I love to guess surprises and happened to get this one right, but he maintained his dignity and the surprise by lying and saying that wasn't where we were going. I knew better (because I'd had the same idea for a date, but he got to do his date first). We had a great day, and it was wonderful weather. 

"God created the Heavens and the Earth.." I just was in amazement at these magnificent creatures that we saw, and that's not even a touch on the surface of everything God created. It just blows my mind. Much less Adam, naming all of these animals. Can you imagine being Noah and his family and being on the ark with all of these. Praying that all ____ doesn't break loose between the whole animal kingdom, and their spouse. I just had such a great time at the zoo. We took our time, and took in the beauty and originality of all the creatures. We distinguished the difference between male and female peacocks (yes, that was my lesson for Chase), the difference between grizzly bears and brown/black bears (Also, my lesson to him. I thought it'd be useful before Montana this summer). 

And yes, the trip was even completed with a stick of PINK cotton candy, and sadly no pictures of us. I was too enthralled with the beauty of all the animals! 

Easter Weekend

Squinty eyes, but regardless- our first Easter as a married couple. And yes, we both got each other something (the night before). 
I know what you're thinking... the purse does look good with Dad's outfit! 
Not the best picture I have ever taken... the sun was so bright on that early, Easter morning!

For Easter weekend, Chase and I met my parents in Kansas City. We hadn't seen them since the last time we all met in Kansas City, which was Thanksgiving weekend. Notice a trend there?! It's our halfway point (a little longer drive for my parents and a little shorter drive for us), since the full 13 hours is just not manageable in a weekend! 

Warning! Miscellaneous Post

Chase is no longer allowed to cut his hair, even with supervision. He decided to buzz his head and it was looking pretty good. I fixed the couple spots he missed and he was looking good to go. Well, he decided to go over it just one more time... The guard fell off the razor as his head was tipped upside down over the trash can (yes, he's very respectful for not getting loose hairs on my floor). This was the outcome. Tragically, he had to shave the rest to match. I am proud to report though, that it's growing back quite quickly! 
Well, this was our first candlelit dinner... and I ate out of a tupperware bowl because the rest of my regular bowls were in the dishwasher... Can you say romance?!
Life is just rough for this little puppy.... He was tuckered from chewing out all of the stuffing and took a nap, while his momma cleaned up the mess he so kindly made for me. 

Spring Break #2

So this is a little old, but here are some more pictures from Tyler and Rissa's visit! 

Oklahoma Spring Time

So this is a walk down memory lane...

My first summer that I stayed in Oklahoma, I lived in my apartment at OC with my roommate Kate. We always had a blast together, and there were many laughs to be shared. Well, we are both extremely heavy sleepers! One night we were abruptly awoken by our phase manager/babysitter yelling at us both in our rooms. We had slept through her ringing the doorbell, which caused her to come in and scream at us. Well, little did we know, we were also sleeping through the tornado siren. The first thing she's shouting at us is "You've got to get out of here now and get to DAH" Well, when you're dead asleep, you wake in a full panic when there's a tornado about to head your way.

Well, we are both extremely brilliant ladies, we roll out of our beds and run out the door and head for DAH, which is the underground building on campus. Neither of us thought to grab our room keys, shoes, jackets, etc. You name it, and we forgot it. We took off RUNNING across a huge empty field for the safety of this building. Anyone who has gone to OC knows that the tornado siren is right on campus. We endure powerful wind gusts, hail, pelting rain through this treck of ours. We are holding hands running for our lives for safety. Well, I happen to run over/through the smallest little shrub, which happens to be the ONLY thing in this massive, empty field on OC. I don't have my contacts in, and if I had been smart enough to grab my glasses, it wouldn't have mattered since they don't have little windshield wipers on them.

Kate and I made it to safety.... Long story just to say that last night officially started spring in OKC. Well, I drove to the safety of my in-laws with both wet, muddy dogs in my back seat (yes I am now in need of a car detail) without my husband, who happens to still be in Davis. I just wanted to say, that I miss running from tornados with Kate. They just aren't as fun any other way!

Sorry for the lack of pictures! I promise, it's on my to-do list for tonight!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The lack of title pretty much sums up this blog. I don't have anything exciting going on. I don't think ya'll want to hear about the bugs that are dying around my house because Chase's grandpa has sprayed (God bless him). I'm surviving my first week with Chase in Davis. I'm becoming sleep deprvied, no thanks to our alarm system. I guess I'll tell you that story....

Here's a little background- Chase and I live in a quaint, nice neighborhood in Oklahoma City. It's pretty quiet, except around rushhour (thanks to Chesapeake). Well, there are rent houses all down our street, which makes for new neighbors frequently. Well, we got some questionable ones next door and the sweetest old lady across the street. We call her Cricket, no clue what her real name is (should probably put that on my list to find out). So back to last night... My alarm system starts going off. It is so loud and annoying and it woke me up.

Oh! By alarm system, I mean Max and Tater. Max is a chocolate lab (mix) and Tater is a blue heeler. Tater gets down from the bed and starts barking and growling at our back door (which is in our bedroom, happy day!). Max barks and growls from the comfort of my bed. Well, I of course freak out. Dogs have good intuitions, so I knew they had a reason to bark. I'm hoping and praying it's an animal, preferrably a small one. I find my glasses, quietly in case someone is lurking outside my window. I look to see if there are any shadows moving across the deck, coast looks clear. I call Chase. I just wanted him on the phone while I was about to open the door to the "hairy, scary monster." After all, I needed a witness. Why not have one 2 hours away that cis pretty much helpless, and doesn't remember talking to me last night. I did feel better having him on the phone though.

I opened the door to let the guard dogs out. They just go running into the darkness. I lock the door, with them running in the back yard at 1 am, run to the bathroom and return. I let them back in, fight with Tater to get him to come back in and re-lock the door. I say good night to Chase (again) and curl back up in my bed. Keep in mind, I said my prayers before bedtime and I started saying them all over. I'm sure I sounded like a little kid who thought a monster was under their bed. I know God understands and appreciates me coming to him in my time of need.

Well I wake up again at 3 due to Tater's whining! Yes. It's like having a newborn. He gets up every couple of hours and whines (which is the most horrific sound a dog can make, especially him). So I decide to let him out and leave him. After all, I have an outside alarm system now along with the one that's curled up in my bed.

Friday night, I plan on crashing, in my husband's arms and sleeping so heavy! Until then, I should probably get back to work (or day dream about taking a nap).... I hope everyone else slept better than I did.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Ok, I promise, PROMISE that I will post something exciting, updated, and full of pictures SOON! We've been a little busy, and by a little- I mean A LOT! Here's a brief glimpse of what's been going on in our lives...

- I just finished my first Beth Moore bible study. It was Daniel and I LOVED it! If you haven't done it, do it! It's so great! I learned so much!
- Chase got a new job, which is GREAT! Unfortunately, his training program is 8 weeks long and not in OKC. He moves to Davis, OK Sunday, so that's why we are absent in the blogging community (not like I'm around on a normal day). We're soaking up last couple of days, and have a lot of stuff to do
- Jillian's sorta ruling my life with her 30 Day Shred. Update, I haven't done it everyday. Up until this week though, we were doing really well. See reason above as to why that has gone down hill
- Lost. I sorta got my husband obsessed with Lost. I was caught up on the seasons; however, he was not. We started on Season 1. Well we are on Season 3. He is having dreams about it. I love that he likes the show so much!

Those are some pretty sad reasons for being a slacker, but they are my reasons. Take it or leave it. I do promise to post some pictures (which I have a lot I haven't posted) and some exciting stories (well maybe exciting, who knows) sometime by the end of the week! Deal? Deal.

Monday, April 12, 2010

30 Day Shred

So, I decided that I am going to COMMITT to the 30 Day Shred. I had NO clue what it was, but kept hearing of people that got "shredded." Well, I guess I decided it would be my turn. The 30 Day Shred is a workout DVD by Jillian Michaels (Biggest Loser trainer for those of you who don't have a clue who she is). Well, I have a feeling that I will be owned by Jillian tonight. I thought if I blogged about it, I would definitely HAVE to do it, no excuses, because someone may ask me about it.

Originally, I was going to get up this morning and do the work out. Ok people, I struggle with being the "morning" person that I am now, but adding a work out at 6 am just was NOT happening. I'm sorry. I guess I'd rather be a night owl than a morning person. I'm just not one of THOSE people, but yes, I married one. He's great and makes me perkier in the morning, but 7 months of being married and I haven't quite transformed into the great morning person he is.

So, the 30 Day Shred begins tonight. Keep in mind, I may not do it every day since Chase and I got a gym membership and I ran 3 miles yesterday. I'd like to keep that up, and don't want my body to COMPLETELY vote me off the island. I plan on doing the shred about 4-5 times a week. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Back in the Day

So, I stumbled across these pictures on my lap top and thought they were too good to pass up. Nothing like a blast from the past!!! I think these pictures speak for themselves! P.S. the guy with the black hair is in fact my father! 

Must Love Dogs

Look at that face.... So I am making up for my absences with two posts in one night, all while watching a movie and failing to get my NEW sewing machine set up. I'm trying to make a baby shower present (which is on Saturday). Don't worry, I have a back up present if I can't outsmart this piece of technology. Chase will probably be thinking that I favor Max (the dog above) more than Tater (the dog that isn't posted) but I couldn't get Tater's picture to load without being blurry... so I opted out of it. Hope you're all having a good night!

Spring Break

ell, it happens to be spring break everywhere, but to those in the working world. You really realize how much you appreciated college when you are graduated and don't get those special holidays off. Chase and I didn't have a spring break, but LUCKILY Tyler and Rissa had one. They chose to come to Oklahoma for their break over Montana. I know this was a very tough decision for them, but hopefully we gave them a good time and they enjoyed their trip because we LOVED having them here. 

We started their visit with a trip to Ripley, OK for some four-wheeling Sunday afternoon. I am so glad we chose to go the first day they were here. We had the best weather for it. It was not too cold by any means and it didn't rain. The rest of the week was a little sketchy. We took two 4-wheelers, 4 turkey sandwiches, some water bottles, and 1 roll of toilet paper (or "butt wipe" as Gigi calls it). 

I guess I can't figure out how to get my pictures below on my post. (I'm still new at this, sorry). I hope everyone who was blessed enough to have a spring break enjoyed it. There were many of us who were less fortunate and longed for a week off from work, life, everything! Just a break....