Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Back in the Day

So, I stumbled across these pictures on my lap top and thought they were too good to pass up. Nothing like a blast from the past!!! I think these pictures speak for themselves! P.S. the guy with the black hair is in fact my father! 


  1. I LOVE THEM!!!! It is so cool to see Rodger & Diane looking so YOUNG!! Love you!

  2. You can't fool me! I knew that was your dad even without the gray! :)

  3. I think my personal favorite is my little brother sporting the awesome girls swimming suit!

  4. Ha ha ha! I totally thought that was just a little girl friend of yours. Too funny!

  5. Rodger wasn't always grey?!? NO WAY! Ha ha :)

  6. These still crack me up!! I love that you have a blog, I might need to get one, except I don't have alot of funny/interesting moments to share! lol
