Tuesday, February 15, 2011


.... They are fast approaching. I thought deadlines were a thing of the past once you were out of school, but they are not. You may wonder what type of deadlines am I facing? Well, here are a few:

1) the Memorial Marathon- it's in a little over 2 months and I am no where close to where I need to be in the training schedule. I have a feeling it may be a walk/run marathon again this year. The most exercise I've done lately is stair climbing 2x a day with a girl from work. We climb about 7 flights of stairs and then come back down them. It's a nice little break, but it is not 13.1 miles

2) Passport- we are going on a cruise to Alaska this summer with Chase's family. Well, in order to get to Alaska, we have to go through Canada and I need to get a passport. You see, I've never been out of the USA and I don't have a passport. That takes about 6-8 weeks. I'm planning on the side of error that it will take longer because I don't want to be stuck home while everyone else is enjoying a great time!

3) Taxes- thankfully, I (think) I finished our taxes the last snow day we had, but I still need to get them filed before April. And the sooner the better because that means we get a tax return sooner (and I may or may not already have plans for that money. I think I will have to make Dave Ramsey happy a little bit and buy something to make Chase and Brie happy a little bit)

I guess these are just a couple of deadlines that I have, and really they are self-imposed deadlines. I guess I function better when I think I have to have something done by a certain time. I have lots of house projects that I would like to have deadlines on, but those need funding too, not just deadlines, and that's a story for anothre day.

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