Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Oklahoma Spring Time

So this is a walk down memory lane...

My first summer that I stayed in Oklahoma, I lived in my apartment at OC with my roommate Kate. We always had a blast together, and there were many laughs to be shared. Well, we are both extremely heavy sleepers! One night we were abruptly awoken by our phase manager/babysitter yelling at us both in our rooms. We had slept through her ringing the doorbell, which caused her to come in and scream at us. Well, little did we know, we were also sleeping through the tornado siren. The first thing she's shouting at us is "You've got to get out of here now and get to DAH" Well, when you're dead asleep, you wake in a full panic when there's a tornado about to head your way.

Well, we are both extremely brilliant ladies, we roll out of our beds and run out the door and head for DAH, which is the underground building on campus. Neither of us thought to grab our room keys, shoes, jackets, etc. You name it, and we forgot it. We took off RUNNING across a huge empty field for the safety of this building. Anyone who has gone to OC knows that the tornado siren is right on campus. We endure powerful wind gusts, hail, pelting rain through this treck of ours. We are holding hands running for our lives for safety. Well, I happen to run over/through the smallest little shrub, which happens to be the ONLY thing in this massive, empty field on OC. I don't have my contacts in, and if I had been smart enough to grab my glasses, it wouldn't have mattered since they don't have little windshield wipers on them.

Kate and I made it to safety.... Long story just to say that last night officially started spring in OKC. Well, I drove to the safety of my in-laws with both wet, muddy dogs in my back seat (yes I am now in need of a car detail) without my husband, who happens to still be in Davis. I just wanted to say, that I miss running from tornados with Kate. They just aren't as fun any other way!

Sorry for the lack of pictures! I promise, it's on my to-do list for tonight!!!


  1. I hope you guys are safe. We weathered the storm pretty well. Just some fence damage. Can't wait for pics!

  2. We are safe... Chase is STILL in Davis. He gets to come home on the weekends. I weathered the storm with Max and Tater (the dogs). Thank goodness for them! I saw your pictures...

    I don't have any from the storm, but I'm slacking on some posts, so I'll get those up! Lunch sometime next week maybe?!
